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Corrosion protection - non metallic coating

Published:2018-12-12 Number of hits:1272

  It is often used to improve the corrosion resistance and decoration of products. Tiffany jewelery UK organic coatings are paint (including paint), plastic, rubber, etc. Microsoft 70-448 dumps inorganic coating includes enamel, glass, etc.

  Chemical conversion coating is also a kind of non-metallic coating. The Microsoft 70-462 dumps method is to put the workpiece into a specific chemical solution and make the metal surface of the workpiece produce a coating by electrolysis or immersion. The main types of Microsoft 70-467j dumps chemical conversion film are phosphate film, chromate film, oxide film and anode oxide film. tiffany jewellery

  Temporary protective agent is used in the transportation and storage of metal products. The coating shall be rust proof and easy to remove Microsoft 70-483 dumps before use. Commonly used are oil film, peelable plastic film and volatile corrosion inhibitor. Microsoft 70-496 dumps

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